Refreshing Cousous Salad


During the hot summer days I love to have a line up of salads that are light and refreshing to satisfy my cravings. This white balsamic couscous salad does just the trick! I recommend using Israeli couscous because it has a thicker consistency and works better with this salad. The ingredients are interchangeable so feel free to add or remove whatever you’d like to make it perfect for you. I like to let the couscous and corn cool down and chill them in the fridge before eating so it has that cool crisp taste! I prefer using fresh corn by cutting it off the cob and then cooking it however, if you can’t find it at your local grocery store canned corn will work just fine. If you make too much couscous just store it in the fridge and make another salad later in the week it’ll be just as delicious. This has been my go to for the past couple weeks and I’m still not sick of it! I like to add some chicken breast if I want to have it as a meal to make it more filling. Enjoy my new favorite couscous salad xo, Chantelle.

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