Hair Goals

I have always struggled with having frizzy and coarse hair. I never know how to style and often get blowouts so that it can last for some time! I always looked for ways to make my hair more manageable countless amounts of hair oil, different shampoos, and LOTS of hair spray. I was pretty hesitant when Gena reached out to me to get extensions. I wasn't sure how they would match my hair color or texture and how they would style. I was unsure how much it would change my daily routine and worried that it would make getting ready take longer. Well, I was wrong… These extensions have changed my life! I don't need to wash my hair as often, it holds a curl unbelievably well, and you can't even tell my natural hair from the extensions (check out picture #2 to see where the extensions were placed). Gena used a new installation method that causes the least amount of damage to your hair. I got them done a few weeks ago and wanted to take time to give them a genuine review, and I LOVE them! If I do a full curl, I only have to touch them up every day around the face for about a week before having to recurl. Go check out Gena Watson Hair Studio in San Diego and get yours done. I promise you won't regret it! I mean, look at my hair now; it looks effortlessly fabulous all the time now. I included pictures from the installation process and some pictures of me since I've gotten them done. Gena gave me some great products to maintain my extensions as well as a care guide! I included these products too. xo, Chantelle


sweater: Freepeople | jeans: Levis | shoes: Golden Goose

brush: WetBrush | pillow: Kitsch | shampoo: Seven | conditioner: Seven
